Mikel Adams


Mikel Adams

As someone that has always taken the records and broken them, I have looked the odds in the face and defied them. My life story is colored brightly with this time and time again. And though there have been plenty of dark hues in my story, and those challenging times have left callouses, I am a stronger woman today than ever before. Sometimes I look back on the woman I was yesterday, or the day before, and I wonder where I got all that strength and fearlessness. Because sometimes, we allow life’s moments to seep inside us and affect our perceptions of ourselves. And as someone that has always thrived in being ahead of the game, I am a planner, giving myself this sense of control. But the truth is, even with a lifetime of plans, there have always been detours. I have finally reached the place in my life where, even though I have the tentative plans, I am finally not afraid, I am finally OK with not knowing exactly what tomorrow will bring. Because, I trust that I am exactly where I should be Today. And if I am where I am supposed to be, then I can only go where I am destined to go tomorrow. Because every day, every single moment, I am shaping the next moment. And everything I brew, is cultivating my life. And that my friends, That, is Powerful.

