If You're Not Growing, You're Stagnant.



If you're not growing, you're stagnant; decaying.


When a plant grows and begins to bear fruit, you must pick + use the fruit once it ripens. That fruit you picked is only good for so long before it rots, so use it. Eat it. Consume it.


In doing this you are also stimulating more growth, new growth. You pick + prune, you bear more fruit.


When you do not pick the fruit. It will rot...right there on the vine. And when you stop picking + pruning, your plant stops producing...eventually. Production will slow and lessen, + you will pick here and there. Busy with your life + distractions. Enjoying the moment. But eventually, when production stops + the growth halts; your plant becomes stagnant. It's color fades. Its leaves look lifeless.


If you're not growing, you're stagnant; decaying. If you're bearing fruit right now, pick it. Eat it. Consume it. And grow some more.